Monday, May 24, 2010

Today is my first Blog....this has come about because my best friend has started her own Blog. After finding out she was pregnant (no not me) I am encourage to write about my own household, and some of the quirky things that go on in this house. Having a young child can be extremely funny as any parent can tell you. It can be very daunting and hard too, but the good times will out way the hard times. So I am told.

William is my 32 month old son. He is a tall, talkative sociable child who on some days drives me insane and on other days amazes me with his compassion and insightfullness. Yes every parent says things about their own child/children. He (William) is a normal child in most aspects of his development but has a grasp of some concepts before he should. So in saying this I hope I can relay what happens in our house in coming blogs you may see what I see. I might point out here that I worked in Childcare for many years and am doing a Teachers degree, so child development is something that I look at naturally. Poor William

The other member of our household is our Dog named Digit, whom I call my first born. She is a Long Haired Jack Russell who is spoilt, in someways, and what I call a La La dog. She is a very timid dog who is very well behaved. She watches TV, yes actually watches it and barks at anything she does not like on it. I should mention the cat we have also. As he is a very recent addition to the house I forget he is here sometimes. His name is Tommy. More on him later

I am going to try and remember up till now the things that have happened in this house hold, or out of this house, over the last couple of years and add them in coming days. Then hopefully add more in the coming months years so one day William will read this and get a kick out of it.


  1. I look forward to keeping in touch with your goings-on here!

  2. How exciting - we can both blog together (and how frightening that "blog" is now a regular verb). I can't wait to hear all your stories, although I might get a little put off the thought of being a Mum if your stories are too scary for me! Then again, I guess it's a little late for that...

  3. Come on, I'm waiting to hear some horror stories about kitchens falling down around your ears. Hope your kitchen is better planned than the huon pine kitchen we had built 'ad hoc' in Hobart! Allen rang me at school one day while the carpenters were working in one corner of the new kitchen, saying: "They've just worked out that if we don't change the design here you won't be able to open the oven door once the doors on the corner cupboard are installed!" Oops. Quick design change.....
